About Me

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Collinsville Middle School PE teacher. Married (19yrs.)with two boys (12 and 8) 7th grade boys basketball coach. Avid cyclist

Thursday, July 23, 2009

No mechanical problems today!!!

Today was a trouble free ride. I had great weather again today and nothing broke! Yeah!!!
Northern Iowa has a lot of rolling hills. I thought it was all flat? No big deal though, they are only mounds at best. The worst climb was about 1/2 mile long. haaaaaaaa I laugh haaaa haaaaaaaa But, I did have to go up a lot of them and they did start to burn towards the end of the ride today. I'm not sure why, but my seat felt like a brick today??? Seriously, the first 20 miles, it felt like I was sitting on a brick. I figure it's because I haven't put many consecutive days together yet. I hope it feels softer tomorrow morning. People in Iowa are very cyclist friendly. I don't think they have a choice because there are very few miles on the secondary highways that have any shoulder at all. For almost the entire ride I was inside the white line. Scaaaaaaary! Almost every driver would get into the other lane or they would slow up and allow the other car to pass first, then get over to the yellow line. I was impressed. I waved big thank yous all morning. By the afternoon my arm was tired so I started nodding. I did have one close call. I was riding along and I heard this whooo whooooo I thought I was hearing a train, but I had not seen any tracks in a while. There were no cars coming towards me? Whhooo whooo I got over to the white line and this trucker went by me at 70 something mph and missed me by two feet. But, that was the only one of the whole day, so thanks to all the cyclist friendly drivers out there today. At one point out on the road today I looked to the west and counted over 100 wind mills on the horizon. It was very cool and kinda strange to see that many. Before this trip the most I had ever saw was the three in Marine.
When I got into town I stopped by the UMC in town and met Pastor Vicki Fisher. She offered to put me up in the Sac City Motel instead of having me stay in the church tonight. Wow, another little Blessing. Thanks to Pastor Vicki and the Sac City church family for helping me out tonight. I got to my room and thought I was going to rest for a second, but then I fell asleep in less than a minute. I was exhausted. I 'm at the library here in town now and I am about to go get some food. Thanks for the prayers!!!!!!!!! I'm off the Coon Rapids, IA Friday.
Take care everyone, I hope the weather is wonderful there too. Cya TK


Jennifer said...

Hey Tom, just checking in to read the blog. Safe travels...and maybe get some extra padding for that seat...if you were like me, (who doesn't often ride her bike anymore, no trails around here really,and hate riding on the street, miss the Eville trails)you would have some extra padding stored up...;-) Take care.


calebzmom said...

Whoa! You know you are scaring me to death! Hate to hear about all the bad luck! Sending prayers your way everyday! So glad you had a nice visit with family! Can't wait until you are safe and sound! Caleb is cheering you on! What therapy you are to us all! I can't beleive how addicted we all are to your blog! Rock on, as Caleb would say! We are discussing a chicken and beer dance, hoping to do it around Caleb's bday in April! Love to you from all of us!

Unknown said...

Tom, I know you are gaining so much from this adventure. But what you are giving to Robin and Jeff is so much more then you could ever imagine. You are a blessing! Stay safe