About Me

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Collinsville Middle School PE teacher. Married (19yrs.)with two boys (12 and 8) 7th grade boys basketball coach. Avid cyclist

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Highs and lows, again

Well I have lots to share. Today I am going to start with a low so I can end on a high note. When I left the Holiday Inn this morning, I was feeling great. ( more on that in a minute)
I'm going to try and keep this rated G, so it's going to lose a little as far as the story goes.
I wasn't even a mile out of town when I thought I heard something pop? I looked back and saw a Blazer way back so I looked down at my trailer pins. As I was looking down and back I went of my, (the) white line a little. As I got back over and breathed a sigh of relief that nothing was wrong, the guy in the Blazer tried to make some kind of a point by swerving over at me. I gave him a big thumbs up as if to say, " nice job!" My blood was boiling!!!! No, I didn't tell him was
# 1. He started waving his arms all crazy and he pulled over 1/4 mile up ahead. Hhmm. I felt myself accelerate and the adrenaline kicked in. I saw red. I was about to unleash my negative energy all over this guy. Before he even got out of the car, I realized I'm not going to do anything. I'll let him say what he wants and I'll kill him with kindness. As he gets out of the car it looks like he has a bee in his shirt and a few down his pants. He's waving and tossing his arms all around and using very inappropriate language. Have you ever seen the Cubs manager Lou Pinnella argue with an umpire? That's what this guy looked like. I stepped of the bike and listened to him go off on me. He said a lot of things but his biggest gripe at me was that I wasn't all the way on the other side of the shoulder. He said he's had to call the Sheriff on other cyclist before because they were doing the same thing I was. After several minutes I asked if I could speak? I said, " Sir, you don't know me, who I am, or what I'm even doing." He cut me off and started railing me about my stupid bike this and my *^&*# bike that. So I said to him again, " I've listened to what you have to say, can I speak or not?" Not even two sentences in, he cut me off again. I told him I was sorry, and I started to pull away. As I went by his vehicle I saw a teen aged girl in the car slumped down from embarrassment. I felt bad for her and glad for me that I didn't put that guy to sleep. I said to her as I passed by, " your dad needs to cut back on the coffee!" She kinda smiled and kept her head down. Thank God for clear thinking!! Whew.
Ok, that was the low or the bad point in the day. I had a couple of highs that blow that little bit of bad out of the water. This morning while I was getting ready to leave two cool things happened.
First. A gentleman came up and asked who I was and what I was doing? He said he lives in St.Louis and that he and his friend could take me there if I wanted them to? I thought about it for a split second but I want to finish this journey. He asked if he could pray for and with me? He did an amazing prayer. It was kinda like he knew me or knew what I needed to hear in that prayer. I said Amen, like never before. I didn't get his name because I don't always hear to well and I'm usually embarrassed to ask again. But I do want to say thank you to him. I know he took down my name and blog site so I hope I can make a connection with him and get his name.
Second. While I was getting my things ready to leave a news reporter from the local television station in Kirksville called to ask if he could do a little story on me? So right before I left he showed up and did an interview in front of the hotel. He was a super cool guy. His name was C.E. We had a short little interview and he said it would air tonight for about 20-40 seconds during the news cast. Isn't that cool? He told me he would e-mail me a link to the story. As soon as I get that, I'll try to get it up on the blog. Thanks C.E. So as you can tell, it was a day of extreme highs and an extreme low. Man, I'm glad I'm a calm, laid back person.
I rode on 63 south and 36 east today. Bad choice on 36. Scary conditions. Massive construction zone. Tons of traffic and big truckers with little to no shoulders. My nerves were shot by the time I got here in Shelbina, MO. I decide to stop for the day and find a place to stay for the night. I'll post more about my stay tonight in another blog. So for now, all is well.
Cya TK

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