About Me

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Collinsville Middle School PE teacher. Married (19yrs.)with two boys (12 and 8) 7th grade boys basketball coach. Avid cyclist

Monday, August 3, 2009

I made it home

Hello friends
I made it home!!!!!! To everyone I met along the way, thank you. To everyone who prayed for me or kept me in your thoughts, thank you. To everyone who was here to greet me as I came down the road, thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!! That was incredible. It was the highlight of my trip. It almost felt like I was dreaming. I can't thank you all enough. Another $200.00 in donations came in yesterday, wow is all I can say!!!!! Since I can't say thank you to each of you personally, I want to say it to everyone right now. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
As I mentioned a few days ago, I will make a post at the start of each month. I will give you as much information as I can about what is going on with the scholarship fund. Robin and I are going to continue fund raising efforts so this is a great way for me to let everyone know what we are doing. For now, that is about it. I will post again at the beginning of September.
I am Blessed to live in this community and to have had all the support I have had from everyone from Seattle to Troy/St.Jacob. Thank you and I will talk to you later. Cya 4 now Tommy K


Michelle Jefferson said...

Tom, Just one last thank you for keeping Caleb's spirit alive. It was very cool to watch the whole thing unfold yesterday. Welcome Home!!


Unknown said...

Glad you made it home safe. A few things I heard in the crowd at your arrival celebration: “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world”, “That was so cool” and “That was a great speech”, after your speech. “That was such a great thing”, referring to your ride. “He was the best coach I ever had.” “He always gave the best speeches, that’s what made him such a great coach.” Triad screwed up when they let him go.” “Did you see how massive his legs were?” “I wonder how much that bike cost.” :)

Donna Laird said...

I posted Julie Tracy's slideshow on my facebook page & SEVERAL people from high school were AMAZED at your accomplishment!!!! SOOOOO many people are SOOOO proud of you Tom!!! You heart is just HUGE!!!! What an honor for the Zarzecki's.....

Mike said...

Welcome home! Thanks again for sharing your story, it has been inspirational to say the least. I did a quick search and found a few stories that were posted along your journey.

Kirksville News

Jennifer said...

Oh how I wish I could have been there to see you ride in and witness all the people there to honor you for this awesome journey that you set out on and completed. After reading the the posting by simsjohnl I am not one bit suprised that all those wonderful things were said about you. Did anyone video the arrival, speech and whatnot??? I would love to see and hear it if possible. I am so very proud of you and admire your strength. I will be checking in for your monthly posts. If you do head to DC next summer, let me know. My brother and family live in Bethesda and if you are close by I am sure they would love to help you out in any way possible. Take Care Tom. Thanks again for honoring Caleb. We miss him everyday. Take care of your family they are sure lucky to have such a wonderful guy, which I am sure they know that. :-)

Keep in touch. Jen

Unknown said...

King Family,
Count me in on any future fund raising efforts!
Jennifer and boys - you were amazing during this. I realize you gave up a lot of time with out your husband and dad. Thank you for being such a great family!

Anonymous said...

Tom and Family - We are proud to be a member of your extended family. You have accomplished a wonderful thing. We saw the video from KSDK and shared with others. Your messgae when interviewed was great and we try as well to do that each day. God has blessed many people due to your continued efforts and messages. Your boys have a wonderful role model. Hugs to all. PS - we can get you all in Disney Worls FREE!


Steve & Tammy said...

you should grow the beard back

Stacy Bollinger Springer said...

Tom, I was so suprised to learn this was you when I saw the TV clips. I haven't seen you since high school! I am enjoying reading your blog and am so touched. You are an amazing guy! On a side note, I was telling my Dad about your ride (you remember my parents I'm sure). Anyway, he works at the YMCA in Maryville and knew Caleb. What a small world. If you remember he was a baseball coach, wrestling coach and taught PE at Collinsville High. Joe Spurgeon. God bless you and keep in touch!

Stacy Bollinger Springer

Shina Willson said...

very informative and interesting blog.
Thanks for sharing:-)